Sunday, January 9, 2011

Joel Osteen: A Night of Hope Outreach

The night was designated a night of hope by the organizers of the Joel Osteen event. We have prayed that it was indeed a night of hope and that his followers would have the hearts opened to the truth. We will never be able to say whether or not any of these people were Christians, as only the Lord knows who are His, but it is clear that the gospel of Joel Osteen is no gospel at all. So that is the reason we went out there on a snowy, windy, and freezing January night, as God gave us a burden to share the truth. Unfortunately due to the winter night it was difficult to get into discussions, but we were able to pass out over 1,000 books titled "God has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life - The Myth of the Modern Message". Inside the book there was also a Gospel tract. Now that the seed has been spread, we just pray and pray and pray until we cannot pray any longer. We pray that the Lord will cause the increase and that hearts are opened to the true Gospel.

As we watched the thousands of people pour into the arena, one thing is clear, the people were sincerely seeking what they perceived to be truth. It was a sad sight to see, as our hearts broke for them. One could argue the use of 2 Timothy 4:3 and that the people would not endure sound doctrine and have accumulated teachers for themselves, but I also think of the generational sins and compromise the Baptist and Protestant faith have made over the years. In the hopes of reaching the lost they have instead compromised and watered down the Gospel. If you take out the offense of the Gospel, you have no Gospel. If man is not confronted of their sin, this will be their best life now, as they will never repent. The Gospel is offensive, but without the full Gospel being preached no one would be saved. The Gospel is not for us to change, but for us to handle as a treasure (2 Corinthians 4:7). May we boldly proclaim it in 2011 and may the people who received the tracts and books, repent of their sin and flee to Christ for His glory!

Solus Christus,

St. Louis Evangelism Team

"I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them."  Acts 20:29-30 (ESV)

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